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YouthSuicideSymposiumInvite FINAL

Please join us for the Youth, Suicide and Firearms Symposium, where we will be looking closely at the facts about guns and youth suicide. We will have two panel discussions; one focused on the causes and risk factors for youth suicide, and the second looking at preventions through reducing access to firearms. There will be opportunity for Q&A after each panel.

Keynote speakers will be Stephen Teret, of Johns Hopkins’ Center for Law and Public’s Health and Jennifer Stuber of University of Washington’s School of Social Work and Forefront, a group focused on finding innovated approaches to suicide prevention through policy change, professional training, campus- and school-based interventions, media outreach and support to those affected.

The event is Thursday, October 15 from 11:00-2:00 pm and will be held at the Washington Athletic Club in downtown Seattle.