Washington CeaseFire
We recognize that firearm violence is a significant public health issue, and that the presence of a firearm can quickly escalate an altercation into a lethal event. We are proud to participate in Washington CeaseFire’s Gun Free Zone program, with the goal of keeping our patrons and staff as safe as possible. Firearms of all types in the possession of civilians, including those with concealed weapons permits, will not be allowed on our premises.
BUSINESS NAME: ___________________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________
CITY: _____________________________________________________________
ZIPCODE: _________________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON: _________________________________________________
EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________________________________________________
We give Washington CeaseFire permission to share our company/business’ name in advertisements, newsletters, opinion pieces, or other public communications promoting the Gun Free Zone program.
Please direct all questions to Nelly Szilagyi, info@www.washingtonceasefire.org.
You have several options to fill out and submit the Pledge.
- You can download the form below and return it via email at info@www.washingtonceasefire.org or mail it to PO Box 77052, Seattle, WA, 98177.