descriptionWashington CeaseFire is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our federal EIN number is 91-1692840. To see an abbreviated history of our work, click here.
decsriptionThe Board of Washington CeaseFire is comprised of dedicated volunteers from all walks of life who are concerned about the impact of gun violence in our society. We share the goal of creating safer homes, schools, and communities by advocating for common sense reforms and cultural change with respect to firearms. Washington CeaseFire is an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion, and Board membership is open to anyone willing to work together to achieve these goals.
descriptionFor inquiries and general information, the quickest way to contact Washington CeaseFire is via email at You can also leave a voice message at (206) 416-0655 (please allow 2 to 3 business days for a response to your voice message). Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 77052, Seattle, WA 98177
descriptionResearch shows that the presence of firearms increases the risk of firearm-related violence from suicide, homicide, or accidental shootings. People have the right to advocate for their personal safety, and the safety of their families, by choosing to spend time in gun-free environments, whether at home or patronizing gun-free businesses.
descriptionFirearms are not permitted in hospitals, bars that serve alcohol, schools, federal offices or buildings, courthouses, and many other private businesses.
descriptionSend an email with your contact information to us at In the subject field put Gun Free Zone Application. We will reach out to you with more information. There is no cost to participate in Washington CeaseFire’s Gun Free Zone program.
descriptionGun violence is the number one cause of death nationally for the 0-18 age group, yet students are not typically provided with facts or information about this public health issue, nor are they taught strategies for protecting themselves and their families. Washington CeaseFire believes that education is a critically important ingredient to a successful campaign to reduce firearm injuries. Firearm Injury Prevention Educators have taught thousands of high school students how to decrease their risk of gun injury. To request a presentation, send an email to with your contact information, or contact Gregory Engel MD MPH FAAFP directly at (206) 963-6915.
descriptionSince 2017, Firearm Injury Prevention Educators have presented to over 6,000 students across Washington State, to universally positive feedback from students and educators alike.
descriptionWashington CeaseFire is working with school districts to incorporate firearm-related harm reduction strategies into the standard high school health curriculum.
descriptionUnlocked and loaded firearms increase the risk of unintentional injury or death for infants and children. The goal of the ASK program is to normalize conversations about firearms in social situations. Just as parents often ask about food or pet allergies when their children are having playdates, it is equally important to ask about the presence of firearms. Asking if firearms are present, and if so, whether they are securely stored, can prevent accidental deaths or injuries among children.
descriptionThe annual Washington CeaseFire 5K Walk / Run is a fun and healthy
opportunity for families and people of all ages and abilities to come together
to show solidarity and support for the gun violence prevention movement. The
event is held every autumn at Seattle’s Green Lake Park, and participants
can walk, run, or roll around the lake at their own pace!
descriptionTickets for the Walk / Run can be purchased by searching for
the Washington CeaseFire 5K, or through the
website. Note that registration and ticket sales typically go live each Spring.
decsriptionAt our annual Day of Remembrance event every autumn, the community plants daffodil bulbs to commemorate victims of gun violence. When the flowers bloom in the Spring, they are a bittersweet reminder of past tragedies, but also a sign of optimism and better days ahead.