West Coast Wall Campaign

West Coast Wall Campaign

Washington Ceasefire and Ceasefire Oregon Team Up to Ban Sales of New Assault Weapons on West Coast and Limit Ammunition Magazine Clips to Ten Bullets– Two state legislative push looks to extends current ban in California Partners include Equal Rights Washington New...

Want Fewer Murders? Tax Guns and Ammo

The Daily Beast A novel approach to curbing gun crimes in Seattle looks to sidestep legal battles with the NRA. With a new national push to combat gun violence, the city of Seattle has begun to tax firearms and ammunition in an audaciously creative way to get around...

Give ‘Smart Guns’ a Chance to Save Lives

The Daily Beast What if a gun could only be fired by its owner? Now they can—and that doesn’t please the gun lobby. This month, a 6-year-old playing “cops and robbers” shot his 3-year-old brother in the face with a gun that his father kept wrapped in pajamas on top of...